Dr Chris Pocock
Gender: Male
Primary qualifications: BMus ARCO MBBS MRCS MRCGP DFSRH
Having qualified from Guys, Kings and St Thomas’ Medical Schools in London, Dr Pocock initially undertook training to become a Surgeon and was an Orthopaedic Registrar before deciding on a career in General Practice. Chris Pocock was appointed Partner at Hanham Health in 2012 and is Medical Director at Leyhill Prison. He also runs community fracture clinics and the local vasectomy service in Bath.
Chris gained a passion for education while teaching in the Department of Anatomy at Guys Hospital, and as such is now involved in teaching Bristol based GP trainees. He was a founding member of the Severn deanery GPST committee and runs communication skills courses for doctors. He enjoys the variety that General Practice brings and the opportunity to provide continued care for his patients. Outside medicine he is organist at his local church and enjoys running half-marathons.